腹泻病室承担腹泻病预防控制任务以及相关技术和基础性的科学研究,重点监测的病种包括传染病防治法规定管理甲乙类传染病中的霍乱、伤寒,以及丙类中其他能够引起公共卫生问题的腹泻病;病原体包括霍乱弧菌、伤寒副伤寒沙门菌、非伤寒沙门菌和其他有公共卫生隐患的致病性弧菌等。腹泻病室在细菌性传染病突发事件中参与应急工作,建立实验室监测系统,组织实验室监测网络工作,开展实验室检测、监测方法学研究和评价,组织开展重点地区的专项腹泻病监测项目,为省级CDC腹泻病防控提供技术支持,在国内外传染病暴发疫情、自然灾害卫生应急中参与工作,包括现场调查与实验室分析等。腹泻病室通过申请与承担科技部和国家卫生计生委等的专项基金和项目课题,开展腹泻病原菌的防控技术、病原及其致病性等研究,包括利用基因组学分析病原菌的分子进化,开展病原分子分型方法的研究、腹泻多病原检测方法研究以及未明病原的非培养分析鉴定系统研究、腹泻病原菌致病机制和环境适应生存机制研究、以及霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体感染抗性及其应用于病原分型原理的研究。腹泻病室现有研究人员11名,技术人员3名,其中博士学位11名。腹泻病室同时开展博士研究生和硕士研究生培养、与外单位研究生联合培养、以及疾控等机构进修人员培养等,承担传染病重大专项、重点专项、国家自然科学基金、中美新发传染病项目等课题,在 PLoS Genetics、Emerg Infect Dis、J Bacteriol、J Virol、Cell Res、Infect Immun、PLoS Negl Trop Dis、Appl Environ Microbiol、Emerg Microbiol Infect和J Clin Microbiol等期刊发表研究和监测分析文章。
Department of Diarrheal Diseases
Department of Diarrheal Diseases undertakes the missions of diarrheal diseases control and prevention, and the related scientific researches on pathogens. The prior diseases under surveillance include cholera, typhoid fever, which are ruled within categories A and B of notifiable diseases in the Law of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention, and the other category C diarrheal diseases which can cause public health problem. The micropathogens include Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi, non-typhoid Salmonella, and other pathogenic species of Vibrio with increasing public health concerns.
The missions of the Department for national infectious disease control and prevention include: Conduct laboratory surveillance on diarrheal diseases, establish and manage the laboratory surveillance network; conduct laboratory detection and confirmation, develop and evaluate the methods; perform Priority diseases surveillance programs in selected regions; analyze surveillance data, provide proposals and suggestions for the strategies and actions of disease control and prevention; outbreak response, include field investigation and laboratory analysis; provide technological consultation and support for the provincial and other CDC laboratories.
Department of Diarrheal Diseases also conduct researches in the following fields: establishment of molecular typing used in laboratory surveillance; molecular evolution analysis based on bacterial genomes; development of diagnosis methods for diarrheal multi-pathogens and nonculturable detection methods of unknown pathogens; virulence gene regulation, pathogenic mechanisms and adaption of microbes during host infection and environmental survival, infection mechanisms and subtyping principle of the typing bacteriophages of V. cholerae.
Department of Diarrheal Diseases has 11 scientific researchers and 3 technicians, 11 have Ph.D. degree. The master and doctoral degree candidates and the stuff from other health institutions are trained in the department. The department conducts project researches supported by Ministry of Scientific Technology, Ministry of Health, Natural Science foundation of China and others. The findings and surveillance analysis have been published on the scientific journals including PLoS Genetics, Emerg Infect Dis, J Bacteriol, J Virol, Cell Res, Infect Immun, PLoS Negl Trop Dis, Appl Environ Microbiol, Emerg Microbiol Infect, J Clin Microbiol, and others.